10 Home Treatments for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin condition, which results in the buildup of red, thick, scaly skin. While it is not contagious, it can be unsightly to many people. The dry skin flakes are a result of the rapid growth of skin cells, triggered by white blood cells, called lymphocytes. The most commonly affected areas of the skin, include around the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Psoriasis is a disease with a spectrum of symptoms. For those that are lucky enough, psoriasis can remain dormant for months or years at a time. Others, will have mild symptoms, where the symptoms are limited to only small areas of skin and aren’t overly noticeable or bothersome. Yet still, the far end of the spectrum can involve large, thick plaques and red, inflamed skin affecting the entirety of the body.

Treating psoriasis

Psoriasis is a recurring, autoimmune disorder. Even though the disease has its most obvious symptoms externally, it begins internally, deep in the immune system, like any other autoimmune disease. Psoriasis gets it start from a disruption to your T cells, a type of a white blood cell, that are designed to protect the body from infection and disease. Sometimes these cells mistakenly activate, setting off a cascade of immune responses, some of which can result in the symptoms of psoriasis. It is a very difficult thing to manage when the body’s own defense mechanism works against itself.

Even though there is no cure, there are many treatments to manage and ease the symptoms. Here are 10 ways to manage mild symptoms at home. Some treatment options will even have negative side effects for pre-existing conditions, which is why it is important to consult with your doctor about any possible treatments. It is important to remember that these suggestions are for mild cases. Prescription therapy is required for refractory or more severe cases.

1. Dietary supplements

If you need to manage something that starts internally, than it is best to start with internal solutions. Dietary supplements can help boost the immune system, easing symptoms internally. Fish oil, Vitamin D, milk thistle, aloe vera, Oregon grape, and evening primrose oil have all been reported to help ease mild symptoms of psoriasis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. It is important to make sure any new supplements are not contraindicated with any pre-existing conditions you might have.

2. Keep your skin moisturized

Use a humidifier at home or in your office, to keep the air moist. It can prevent dry skin before it becomes too difficult to manage. It is also good to constantly use lotions and moisturizers, to keep your skin supple and to prevent the formation of plaques. Check with your doctor, to see if there are specific recommendations they can give.

3. Try Psorilax

Psorilax is specifically designed for psoriasis sufferers. It is an ultra calming lotion that will help to minimize a current outbreak, while preventing future outbreaks. The smart cells in the cream will target damaged skin cells and help to exfoliate and restore the function of the dermis. They are identical to normal cells of the human body so there will be no side effects with this treatment.

Psorilax Philippines

4. Consciously eat healthy

Diet can play a major role in managing psoriasis. Eliminate red meat and fatty snacks, which can trigger flare-ups, due to their chemical composition. Cold water fish, nuts, seeds, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are known for their abilities to reduce inflammation, which is one of the key symptoms of psoriasis. Olive oil can also have a soothing effect when applied topically to the skin. Try massaging a few tablespoons on any inflamed areas, to help loosen troublesome plaques during your next shower.

5. Avoid hot water, use warm water

While hot water can sometimes relieve itchy symptoms, it can also be an irritant. However, a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt, mineral oils, milk, or olive oil can soothe the itching and infiltrate the scales and plaques. Moisturize immediately after your bath. You will get two benefits, by keeping the helpful components locked in the skin, while also moisturizing the skin externally.

6. Light therapy

While light therapy is not an at-home treatment, it is still a useful option in mild cases. Light therapy is when a doctor shines ultraviolet light all over the skin. This type of therapy does require a strict schedule and frequent sessions. It should be noted, that tanning beds are not an adequate substitute for light therapy. This procedure should always be done under the supervision of your doctor. Too much sunlight can actually worsen psoriasis, so it is better to cover up when you are outside.

7. Reduce stress

Sounds like a silly solution but it is very important. Any chronic condition like psoriasis can be a source of stress. This can often turn into a vicious cycle, where stress itself can worsen psoriasis symptoms. In addition to reducing stress whenever possible, consider incorporating stress-reducing practices such as yoga and meditation, into your schedule.

8. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol, by definition, is a depressant, and is a trigger for many people who have psoriasis. A study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found an increased risk of psoriasis among women who drank dark beer. Those who drank at least five dark beers per week were nearly twice as likely to develop psoriasis, when compared to women who didn’t drink. Most research generally carries over to different types of alcohol and in general it is best to avoid all alcohol

9. Add turmeric as a supplement or spice

Turmeric, a super spice from India, has been found to minimize psoriasis flare-ups, among many other things. It can be taken in pill or supplement form, or sprinkled as a spice over your food. There are many recipes available online on what dishes and foods, turmeric best goes with. Check with your doctor before you add turmeric to your diet. The FDA-approved dosage of turmeric is 1.5 to 3.0 grams per day, though there have never been any cases of someone having too much turmeric.

10. Avoid tobacco

Smoking may increase your risk of psoriasis. If you already have psoriasis, it can also exacerbate your symptoms. In general, it is best to avoid tobacco.


There isn’t a single answer for managing and keeping the symptoms of psoriasis at bay. What works for one person, may not work for another. Some treatment options will even have negative side effects for pre-existing conditions, which is why it is important to consult with your doctor about any possible treatments. It is important to remember that these suggestions are for mild cases. Prescription therapy is required for refractory or more severe cases.

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10 Home Treatments for Psoriasis
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Belinda Jasmine

Doctor, Skin care specialist. I work in Asian Hospital and Medical Center. I treat psoriasis and other skin diseases. In this blog I write articles on skin care and share experiences. If you have any questions, please write in the comments.

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